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About Recurring Billing

Some LassoSoft products are subscription or leased services and can be purchased in one of two ways:

About manual renewal option for subscription and licenses

If you purchase a defined number of months, even just a single month, and you do not choose the "monthly billing" option, your subscription will expire at the end of that number of months period unless you take action to renew it.

About Automated Recurring Billing processes

Will I get notified before my credit card is billed?
Yes. You will recieve an email 7 days before your credit card is billed from our payment gateway provider, Internet Secure. This will remind you of the date that your next payment will be processed. If you did not receive this email, please check your junkmail folder.

If I am being billed monthly and wish to cancel, what do I do?
You must contact LassoSoft sales by email at least 7 days before to the next billing date and request cancellation of your ongoing billing. We will remove the transaction as requested.

Please include all relevant details including transaction number, company name, product name and any license associated with the product.

What happens if my credit card expires?
You have a 3 day grace period to renew your subscription. Your Lasso services will remain live and operational even if the 3 days passes - the only thing that is limited is your access to the Lasso Admin to make changes to your code until the renewal is made.

There are two options: 1- If still within the 3 days, log into your PayPal account, and update your Credit Card or account associated with this subscription, or, 2- You login to your LassoSoft account and select "Renew"in your Subscriptions tab, then select auto-bill / bill monthly then enter your new details during the checkout so your Lasso license continues without interruption.

What happens if my credit card was declined?
If for any reason a recurring transaction is not approved we will not be able to renew your subscription you will be emailed a decline notification. Declines may occur where the card company advises the payment gateway of a problem with the data (error in expiry, card removed from circulation, address does not pass AVS check). If a decline occurs for any other reason (such as credit limit), the systemis set to retry a total of five times on subsequent days allowing time for you to contact your provider and correct the cause. Or, contact us on +1 888-286-7753 option 1 to speak to a Sales representative.

What date will my credit card be charged?
Your card will be charged on the same day of the month as you purchased the subscription.

Can I get a refund?
All subscriptions require 7 day notice - see above. Where such notice is not receive ahead of the billing date, the subscription is deemed renewed and any cancellation will take effect the day of the next scheduled billing.

What if I purchase a monthly recurring subscription on the 31st of month? 
The system recognizes that not all months have 31 days. Therefore, it will run the transaction on the last day of the next month, whether that is the 28th, 30th or 31st.

How can I contact someone about my account?
You can view the list of contacts on our contacts page.

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