LassoSoft Services -
Professional Help for Installing Lasso
Our Professional Services team are equipped and experienced to assist you with installing Lasso on your server.
With so many potential server configuration options available in todays market, and not all of them easily understood by the day-to-day user of Lasso, we offer our expertise to make this process smoother and faster.
Lasso owners use this service when they:
have limited technical resources, and want to keep them focussed on the 'main thing' of uptime for services
have new technical resources, and want them upskilled to understand Lasso's interplay with their unique server environment
have new versions of hardware or operating systems that they are less familiar with
are under time limitations and want Lasso up and running fast
are hosting their own server, either in-house, or in the cloud where technical support is harder to find
want on-call support for the first 14 days.
Included in this service
consultation about your specific intended uses of Lasso and recommendations for configuration
one key assigned technical support person
additional technical support to back that person up, should the need arise (sickness etc)
hands on management of your Lasso installation
feedback and documentation on server configuration
Standard Lasso Server Installation Pack $990 CAD 
Extensions Available as add-on units of service:
multiple server configuration - additional 2 Units per physical / virtual server
load balancing and high availability configuration advice - from 1 Unit - price will be quoted depending on your specific requirements identified in consultation above
extended support for the first 30 days - additional 1 Unit
Add-on Units to standard install $250 CAD per unit 
Find a Hosting Provider
If you want to have your whole server solution taken care of - check out our Lasso Hosting Partners page for professional hosting solutions.
Contact LassoSoft About Your Installation Needs
Email LassoSoft Sales to discuss your needs today!